SCTM awarded at the 28th International Salon of Urban Planning

Organized by the Association of Urban Planners of Serbia, the 28th International Salon of Urban Planning was opened in Nis on November 8th at the Officers' House. The Saloon is a traditional international event and review of the most important current achievements in the field of spatial and urban planning and urban design, and this year 154 works were exhibited at it.

In the category "Research, studies, and projects in the field of spatial and urban planning", the jury and the Salon Council awarded the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and the authors of the paper "Improving living conditions in Roma substandard settlements" Natalija Matunović Milošević, Program Manager and Igor Miscevic, Coordinator of Program Component 3.

The awarded work represents a sublimation of the SCTM activities on the development of 11 urban plans for Roma substandard settlements in Serbia. The paper highlighted the participation of the Roma community in the development of planning documents, where more than 1,100 participants at 44 workshops had the opportunity to influence the spatial development of their settlements.

The plans have been developed with the support of the EU Support Program for Roma Inclusion - Strengthening Local Communities for Roma Inclusion, implemented by the SCTM and funded by the European Union.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13